
Instructions on how to order a VOA through Credit Plus that is Day 1 Certainty Eligible

Log in to (These are the Red Diamond Steps.)


Put in the borrower's information.  You don't need the Credit Card info and you do need to change the Account History to 60 days from 30 days that the system defaults to.  Be sure to change that.  


These are the borrower's steps and screen shots of their experience as they complete the VOA process.

This email is triggered by Red Diamond.  It goes to the client asking them to complete their VOA online.

The URL that delivers the email is [email protected] which is not great so you may need to tell your clients to watch for that email.


This is part 2 of the letter.


There is a generic login screen with all the main local banks.  You also can click to enter a different bank.  Most banks will be available in the system. The client must give authorization to use the system.


Your clients standard bank login information is required to complete the process.


The order takes a couple of minutes.  Once complete the client gets notification that the submission was complete.

The person ordering the service for Red Diamond receives an email that the order is complete.


Here is how to get to the VOA Results inside the Credit Plus System.

First Click Find Ordered Products


Next:  Plug in the Borrower Name to locate the VOA.


You can see the summary of the results.

This was an 8 minute Verification of Assets!


You can see the Verification Of Assets Form and open it into a PDF.


The Report ID - Top Right of the document above is what has to be put into DU.

Load this into DU and run DU and see if it passes Day 1 validation!